मंगलवार, 4 मार्च 2025
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  5. आईएमए कॉन्क्लेव इंदौर 2013
Written By WD

IMA Conclave 2013 : Highlights of 1st day

IMA Conclave 2013 : Highlights of 1st day -
Indore Management Association organizes its yearly conclave International Management Conclave at Abhay Prasahl Indore. In the two days event many prominent speakers are going to share their views on “transforming Leadership- Getting Future Ready” which is the theme of the conclave. With the starting of the conclave IMA is also celebrating its 50th anniversary that makes the event more grand and special.

On Saturday it was the first day of the conclave. It gave a wonderful opportunity to the student to listen to the few masters of management in their respective fields such as Dr. Linus Von Castelmur, Dr. Fredrik Hecklin, Dr. Ravi Choudhary, Dr. Naresh Trehan, Mr. Ullas Kamath, Mr. Pawan Duggal and Mr. Harish Bijoor. The event started with the Swiss National Anthem followed by the Indian National Anthem. After that Mr. Shamit Dave, President of IMA gave a warm welcome speech.

Dr Linus Von Castelmur was the very first speaker. He talked over India-Swiss trade relationship. He said that Switzerland is the one of the top 5 European countries India prefer to trade. Further he mentions that how Swiss companies are so successful because of the world class facilities and infra structured. Fredrik Hecklin won everyone’s heart by his friendly manner. By talking about Convergence he throws light on the various aspects of it.

He gives examples of Nokia, Intel and talks about Steve Jobs who after the revolution brought by Nokia in 2003 in mobile market reinvented the phones as I-Phones in 2007. He also mentioned deference between Invention and Innovation by explaining that invention needs money while innovation provides us that money.